Predicting the future is a complex activity, most of the time impossible. But let's start with the basics: data.

We help companies in the industrial sector predict the market and their own sales, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of their own business.

Recent global events have proved once again the interdependence of economic factors on a world scale and their immediate impact on the local market.

Today, the analysis of the enormous volume of data available, the application of state-of-the-art technology and the interpretation of results allow for greater predictability, but above all, faster adaptation to changes in the scenario.

MT2 uses the Machine Learning power of our own cloud platform to rapidly analyze thousands of daily updated global data sets and develop accurate forecasts sensitive to external events.

Our ingredients for efficient forecasting

Global Data

Connect and enrich your database with data from over thousands of economic, financial and industry data sources.

AI & ML Cloud

Access statistical, hybrid or purely machine learning prediction models sensitive to the outside world.

Insights and Interpretations

Interpret data, forecasts and scenarios with the help of our Economists and make data-driven decisions.


Connect your company
to the outside world

Our clients can access our forecasts and discover the specific external indicators, such as financial/macroeconomic indicators, consumer sentiment, weather patterns or social trends, that will affect their sales, costs or profitability.

Data Science as a service

We provide our customers with continuous access to our platform, our forecasts and our knowledge through the Data Science as a Service – ‘DSaaS’ formula.

This approach allows clients to access different levels of sophistication and continuous improvements in terms of information, forecasting models and automation services throughout the relationship, facilitating the adoption of technology and maximizing the return on investment.

Why MT2

Personalization, Interpretation and Data Accessibility are the main features of our service.

We combine technical/academic experience with practical knowledge of the market in which we operate.

We are firmly convinced that intuition is no longer enough to navigate the infinite complexity of the market.

We believe that science, technology and data must be within the reach of all decision-makers and perceived as allies and not competitors.

Download our e-book and discover how to deal with uncertainty and plan efficiently.

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Get in touch

    Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, nº 1811
    Itaim Bibi – São Paulo/SP
    CEP 01.452-001